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- UNHCR 映画祭 Film Viewing at the Global Vil...
UNHCR 映画祭 Film Viewing at the Global Village
掲載日2017.11. 2
国連UNHCR難民映画祭(グローバルビレッジ映画祭)が開催され、Nice Peopleの上映が行われました。鑑賞した多くの方が感銘を受けたようでした。
The acclaimed UNHCR-sponsored film, Nice People, was given a special showing at the Global Village on Nov 1. Viewers of the film were touched by the story. Here is the official synopsis:
A group of refugee youths from war torn Somalia find themselves in Borl?nge--a small village in Sweden. Though facing many challenges in integrating into the community, one day, a local entrepreneur proposes the creation of a first ever Somali 'bandy' team--a traditional winter sport played on ice--to build a bridge with the local community. During the course of the training for the World Championship, the youths slowly started to share their horrid experiences, and the sense of utter isolation in a land that was so foreign to them. Will bandy be able to become a bridge between the communities, and provide the youths with hope for the future?