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- Global Village Recap!
Global Village Recap!
掲載日2017.6. 1
This week's Global Village event was an interactive World Café-style discussion led by Saori Yamaguchi. The topic was poverty and related social issues. SCIP-Philippines students who visited Cebu this year shared stories and pictures of their experience with event participants. Participants in turn offered their opinions and understanding of SCIP-Philippines life and study in Cebu.
Our next Global Village event will be an introduction to Cuba by Iwate University doctoral student Ricardo Navarro. All are welcome. Bring your lunch, bring a friend, and let's learn about Cuba!
June 7, 12-1pm, Global Village (Student Center-B).
次回のグローバルビレッジイベントは、岩手大学の博士課程の学生であるRicardo Navarroさんにキューバの紹介をしていただきます。誰でも参加OK! ランチを持って、お友達も誘って、キューバについて学びましょう。