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- Global Village Event Recap!
Global Village Event Recap!
Global Village Event Recap:
Approximately 60 students listened to Kyoto Yoshida, President of the Brazil-Iwate Kenjikai Sanjokaiin Association, talk about "the deep connection between South America and Iwate". 2000 Nikkei from Iwate settled in Brazil alone, many of whom cultivated virgin forest into farmland. Most participants at the talk had not known of Iwate's special history and relationship with South America. Their comments included "I feel the need to know more history" and "I am proud of the efforts of our predecessors."
This week's Global Village Event is an introductory presentation on Zen Gardens by Hiroyuki Ishimatsu. Bring your lunch, and a friend! Wed, Jun 21, 12-1pm, Global Village Lounge, Student Center-B.
今週のグローバルビレッジのイベントは石松弘幸先生による禅の庭の紹介。ランチを持って、お友達も誘ってグローバルビレッジへ!6月21日(水) 学生センターB棟 のグローバルビレッジ (1F) 12-1pm