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- 先週の グローバルな村のイベント
先週の グローバルな村のイベント
The May 11 Global Village event was an inspirational lecture by Mr. M. P. M. Nair. A former IBM engineer, Mr. Nair first took up indoor plant cultivation as a hobby which soon developed into one of his many passions. Prompted by a bet, he developed the first Canadian domestic indoor lemon which can thrive on low light conditions. Enlightening lessons about courage and personal growth were shared.
次回のグローバルビレッジイベントは5月17日(水)12時~1時、ロシアからの交換留学生Katya Sokharevaさんから、盛岡とサンクトペテルブルクとのびっくりな違いと面白い共通点について発表していただきます。お菓子も用意してお待ちしてますよ。もちろんランチを食べながらでもOKです。お友達も誘って、学生センターB棟グローバルビレッジにレッツゴー!
The next Global Village event is a friendly presentation by international exchange student Katya Sokhareva: similarities and differences between Morioka and St. Petersburg. Light snacks will be provided. Bring a friend! Wed, May 17, 12 -1 pm at the Global Village (Student Center-B).