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- International Symposium Commemorating Iw...
International Symposium Commemorating Iwate University's 70th Anniversary
-Creating the Future via Glocal Human Resource-
will be held on Thursday November 14th.
All are welcome to the President's forum and academic presentation sessions.
Date and Venue
Date: November 14th Thursday, 2019
Venue: Iwate University, Japan
9:00-12:00 @Ginga Hall
Memorial ceremony, Forum of Participating University Presidents/Vice Presidents about:
?International Strategy and Human Resources Development in the Age of Globalization
?University's Connection to Local Communities and International Academic Communication
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-17:00 @Faculty Classrooms
Academic Presentation Session from Participating University's
Faculty Representatives
? Foreign Language Education for Living in a Global Society
? 3D measurement and analysis of cultural assets
? Contribution of Agriculture Research and Education to Realization of SDGs
(Sustainable Development Goals)
? AJS for Industrial, Academic, and Governmental Collaboration
? AJS for World Heritage Sites
? AJS for Die and Mould technology
? International Alumni Round Table and Tour of the New International
Student House
18:30 Memorial Celebration @Morioka Metropolitan Hotel Main Bldg.
How to apply
Please fill in the form on the website below and send it to iuic@iwate-u.ac.jp by October 31.
For more information and application forms:
In English
In Japanese