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- Global Village Recap for Jun 21!
Global Village Recap for Jun 21! (2017.6.29 )
This week's Global Village event featured an introductory presentation on the characteristics and symbolism of traditional Japanese gardens and Zen gardens. (We learned they are often not one and the same!) Thanks to guest speaker and Iwate University faculty Hiroyuki Ishimatsu, the well-illustrated talk was an enlightening experience for Japanese and foreign attendees alike. The presentation ended with groups sharing their impressions of Japanese/Zen gardens, as well as plans to visit and contemplate gardens in future.
Our next Global Village Event will be an international quiz show--expect to be thrilled! Thu, Jun 29, 12-1pm, Global Village Lounge (Student Center-B). Though light snacks will be provided, you can bring your lunch, and a friend! See you at the Global Village!
次回のグローバルビレッジイベントは国際クイズショー!6月29日(木)12時~1時 学生センターB棟1階グローバルビレッジにて行います。お菓子もありますよ。ランチ持参OK!お友達も誘って、ぜひグローバルビレッジへ!