

Global Village Jan Calendar グローバルビレッジの1月のイベント (2017.1.11 )

掲載日2017.1. 6




Happy 2017!

Last year brought us the newly established Global Village. Thanks to your support, participants from Japan and many countries enjoyed a variety of events which sparked intercultural exchange. This year, we aspire to create more opportunities to expand our world view though exploration of local and global topics. 2017 will surely be an exciting and fruitful year at the Global Village!

Our first event for 2017 is an introductory workshop on origami. Please join us in learning how to fold colorful paper into fun shapes, while practicing English and Japanese.

Wed, Jan 11, 12:10-1 pm, Global Village Lounge, Student Center-B. All are welcome. Bring your lunch!

See you at the Global Village!