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- bet36体育在线_365体育手机版-投注|备用网址と外国人留学生?卒業留学生との懇談会 及び 外国人留学生同窓会総会参加のお願...
日 時 2024年3月1日(金)15:30~17:30
第1部 留学生と卒業留学生からのスピーチ発表15:30~16:30
第2部 bet36体育在线_365体育手机版-投注|备用网址と卒業生との懇談16:30~17:30
実施方法 対面(学生センターB棟1階多目的室)及びオンラインでのハイブリッド開催
テーマ 「bet36体育在线_365体育手机版-投注|备用网址と語ろう!~岩手大学の未来へつなぐ想いThinking Together and Creating Together~」
募集人数 ①スピーチ発表者 4~5名 (日本語か英語で一人5分程度の発表。)
②参加者(スピーチなし) 人数制限なし
第1部 スピーチ内容(スピーチ発表者)
第2部 懇談テーマ
?Expectation VS Reality岩手大学での大学生活の理想と現実
?80周年記念事業としての希望(例 ホームカミングデー等)
Round Table Meeting between the President and International Students/Alumni, and the General Meeting of the Alumni Association for Iwate University International Students
Date and Time: Friday, March 1, 2024, 15:30-17:30
Part 1: Speech presentations from international students and alumni 15:30-16:30
Part 2: Discussion between the President and students/alumni 16:30-17:30
Method of implementation: In person (Student Center B 1st Floor, Multipurpose Room) and online participation is also available.
Theme: "Let's Talk with the President! ~Thinking Together and Creating Together" - Iwate University's Vision for the Future
Number of applicants
1. Speech presenters: 4-5 persons (5 minutes per person in Japanese or English.)
2. Participants (no speeches): No limit on the number of participants
Part 1: Speech Presentation
Topics for international students
-Introduction of the contents of current study or research
-What do you enjoy doing in addition to your studies or research?
-Future Goals
-Questions to ask alumni (optional)
Topics for alumni
-Current alumni association activities
-What I want to tell current students
-Expectations for Iwate University
(Common to students and alumni)
Each presenter will have 5 minutes to present.
They may use Japanese or English.
Power point optional
Part 2: Discussion topics
-Motivation for Enrolling in Iwate University
-Expectation vs. Reality: The Ideal and Reality of College Life at Iwate University
-What is the attraction of Iwate University?
-What is needed to make the university a place that current students and alumni can be proud of?
-Hope for the 80th Anniversary Project (e.g., Homecoming Day, etc.)
-Other requests to the university
How to apply for participation
Please fill out the following form with the required information and pre-qualification questionnaire.
Application deadline: February 19, 2024
*This round-table discussion will be held in conjunction with the General Meeting of the International Student Alumni Association.