

2021年度bet36体育在线_365体育手机版-投注|备用网址と外国人留学生との懇談会を開催しました Round-table Meeting between the President and International Students for the 2021 Academic Year







Round-table Meeting between the President and International Students for the 2021 Academic Year

On March 22, 2022, Iwate University's International Education Center held a round-table meeting between the President and international students. The purpose of this meeting was to help improve the university's system for assisting international students and to resolve issues. Nine international students from various faculties and graduate schools attended the meeting both in person and online.

The round-table meeting was titled: "Let's Talk with the President: the Impact of the COVID Pandemic on Learning and Student Life" and participants exchanged opinions about the education and research environment at Iwate University and how it was affected by the corona disaster.

The international students gave their honest opinions and suggestions regarding Iwate University's response to the corona disaster and the learning environment.

In closing, President Ogawa said, "I think Iwate University is a great place to learn because we have face-to-face classes and research on campus even under this COVID pandemic. He encouraged the participants saying, "I know there are still some people who have not yet arrived in Japan, but we will set up a system so that you can come to Japan with peace of mind, so please do not worry and come to Japan".