Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

In April 2017, Iwate University integrated our Master's course postgraduate programs (Master's Programs and the first part of the doctoral course), and established the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Master's Program). We aim to foster talented personnel who can create new values with broad perspectives that transcend the framework of arts and science, based on specialist knowledge of the natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences, and who can solve issues on a local and global scale so that we can realize a sustainable society.

List of Majors, Courses, and Programs

Regional Innovation and Management

Regional Industry

  • Advanced Agriculture and Forestry
  • Fishery Innovation
  • Casting and Molding
  • Integrated Regional Economic

Regional and Community Design

  • Regional Management
  • Disaster Management and Community Development
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

Graduate Course in Human Health Sciences

  • Behavioral Science
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Sports and Health Science

Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies

  • Understanding Japanese Culture
  • Introducing Global Culture
  • Introducing Art
  • Community Culture Renovation
  • Understanding Cultural Diversity

Science and Engineering


Biological Sciences

Mathematical Science and Physics

Materials Science and Engineering

Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Computer Science and Intelligent System

Design and Media Technology



Biological Chemistry and Food Sciences

Animal Sciences

Graduate School Information

Information on Major