Iwate University Vision 2030

Iwate University will be a university that is respected, relied upon, and loved by the local community as a “local knowledge hub” and “place of knowledge creation” to build a better future.

Code of Conduct

Thinking Together and Creating Together

Central Dogma

Carrying on the belief of the novelist and poet Kenji Miyazawa, an alumnus of the university, who wrote of well-being that “Personal happiness cannot exist until the whole world is happy,” Iwate University aims to achieve a sustainable society where no one is left behind, and to contribute to society by leading the way in this unpredictable age of VUCA* and producing resilient human resources with the power to live vibrantly.


1. Educational Goal

To contribute to the achievement of a multicultural society in an age of advancing globalization, and to produce human resources capable of dealing with the challenges presented by an age of unpredictability

2. Research Goal

To design a framework and put in place facilities that provide faculty members with the freedom to produce excellent research results, and increase the capacity of the university as a whole to undertake fundamental and other research

3. Social Contribution Goal

To gain a deeper understanding of the region as it changes with the times through dialog with the regional community, and to contribute to the resolution of issues faced by the regional community and companies by producing human resources and leveraging the results of research

4. Workplace Environment Goal

To create a workplace environment where faculty and staff members can develop and achieve self-actualization as they work jointly with students to create a better future.

5. University Management Goal

To manage the university in a way that helps it achieve its goals